
Pet, horse & Large Animal Clippers

Clipper Blade Sharpening

Let Expert Blade Sharpening Reduce Your Effort
Lengthen Your machine Life From A Better Edge

Sharpening Large Animal Clippers


Sharpened for £7.50 per set

Sharpening with The Lightest Touch

Removing Minimal Metal

When we sharpen your A2 blades we remove the minimum material at every grind, giving you better blade life and less expense overall.

Sharpening Clipper Blades The Correct Way

We use a German Liscop machine with a high speed rotating specially profiled disc (a cone) designed and dedicated to clipper blade sharpening. This has micro grooves machined into its face - like an old style LP disc. Prior to use the disc is loaded with sacrificial lubricant and abrasive powder which produces the grinding surface. There are two forms of discs made, ours specifically suits (A2) large animal blades - horse & cattle. We are unable obtain consistent 100% effectivness whn regrinding A5 pet clipper blades we reluctantly hav abandoned this market as we find our test results are not mimicked in everday use when groomers use re sharpennd blades not 100% perfect is noot ideal as we aim to please not disappoint

Certified Sharpeners think this is a better approach than other machines that have one design suiting all blades but not maximising and the geometry and optimising performance. 

We don’t do powered sheep shears
but we do Sharpen Dagging Shears

Click For Dagging shears

We can sharpen these famous brands and those from other suppliers too

The specialist machinery is used as using a simplle flat waterstone does not produce the most effective blade profile 

Lister logo-
Oster logo
Heiniger logo
Andis logo-
Twice As Shap Scissor Sharpening Machine

The Specialist Grinder

Looks simple but in fact it’s not. The working surface has a domed profile and is a grooved aluminium disc, different configuration for Horse & Pet blades.  this machine hollow grinds clipper combs and cutters with great precision -  the blades are not ground flat unless they are off an adjustable clipper. Don’t ruin yours on a diamond hone.

Precision Thickness Guage

Enough and Not Too Much

The Ideal grind is to remove no more than 0.002” nor too little, not to get the work hot either. So we use a precision measuring device to give us the accuracy we need as to the amount removed. We measure before during and after the grind checking on completion for the value we seek.  This will indicte to us the number of grinds left on the blades.

Diamond Grining Wheel For The Okami Gold

The Hollow Grind

We grind in such a way  that results in a specific style of hollow grind. This to maximise the cutter life, minimise heat, chatter and efficacy of the cut from your clippers. Post gind the blades are washed in a degreaser and finally given a long spell in an ultrasonic cleaner using bactericide mixture so they’re clinically clean.

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Back Lane
Bomere Heath


07517 434947


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