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Our Sharpening Services

Local sharpening, National Sharpening, Mobile Sharpening 

We Offer More Than Sharpening 

While we sharpen chef’s knives, hairdresser’s scissors, and other professional tools, we also work on more mundane items. We don’t just sharpen them; we refurbish them when asked or needed. We also sharpen after repairing many things, like wood chisels and secateurs. Older items may need some TLC, and many customers bring us items from the past that will respond to some care. Misuse is common; wood chisels used to open paint cans are a favorite, and hedge trimmers have inevitably cut hedging wire. Pinking shears that no longer “pink” after years of use are another common problem.

We do it locally and nationally by mail and carrier. We have the equipment scissor manufacturers use in their factories for production and have received training on how to use it. This allows us to put an edge on hairdresser’s scissors so they don’t have to send them to Germany or Japan. We use the Swedish Tormek T8, which we believe is the best machine for its many uses. We also use the Sorby ProEdge, a machine based on over a century of production of edged tools.

Professional Sharpening Services Wherever You Are Located
We Work Locally And Nationally

If you can or if you have a need for immediacy, then call us to check if we are here and not out of the workshop on some other task. So give us a call, and we can prioritise your work if we are here in the workshop. You will get a seat and a cup of coffee as a bonus if we can sharpen what you have while you wait.

If you come by and we’re not around, feel free to leave your items in one of our dropboxes near the workshop. We’ll let you know when they’re ready for you to pick them up. You can check out more details here.

If you live within a few miles of Bomere Heath (SY4 3PL), we can collect and return your sharpening for a small fee. We can also do work at up to 15 miles from our base for a nominal fee or for free if there are only a few items to sharpen and you are disabled. Give us a call to see if we can help you out!

If you’re a busy Chef, Publican or Cook with several top quality knives that need a real sharpening that will improve your work rate we will come to you and sharpen these for you on site.

If you are located at some distance from us here in Shropshire we offer a mail order sharpening service throughout country. If you have a UK post code you too can have a “local” reliable certified sharpener, we are as close as your Post Office Counter

Shropshire Map

Some Advice On Keeping Those Edges  Sharp

Good Knives And Edge Tools Are Not inexpensive 
Try Keep A Sharp Edge On Your Equipment
Proper Sharpening Is More Than Worth The Comparative Expense

Cut On The Right Medium

The surfaces that you choose to use for cutting directly affect the condition of your knives. You want to avoid hard or metal surfaces, such as stainless steel, granite, and aluminium. On the other hand, cutting on wood, plastic, or polyethylene is usually just fine. Your edges are likely to be safe as long as you are using a cutting board made out of the proper materials.

Wash Knives by Hand

Many folks toss their sharp knives in the dishwasher without a second thought. While it might seem like a quick way to get them clean, the intense heat, water, and detergent can quickly dull them. Instead, take the time to wash your knives by hand. Sure, it’s a good idea to sharpen them frequently, but handwashing will help them stay sharper for longer.

Store Your Knives Properly

In addition to putting knives in the dishwasher, some also put their good knives in with many other kitchen utensils in the “knife drawer.” But it’s best if your knives have a dedicated storage spot all to themselves. You can dedicate a whole drawer just to your knives but they still collide with other knives which inflicts damage. Wooden blocks or knife inserts for drawers are a good investment, being ideal for storage. Many private and commercial kitchens use a magnetic wall-mounted strip so that their knives are available for quick access with almost zero chance of edge damage. Such a  magnetic system is not really ideal for homes with little children or pets.

Taking Care of Your Knives

When you take the time to take care of your knives, then you are less likely to run into problems, such as when ingredients tear when you are trying to slice them. Knives are a very important part of food preparation . Like any other tool that you use around your home, you need to make sure they are in good condition so as to produce the results you seek. Keep your knives sharp, store them properly and use them on the appropriate surfaces, they will serve you for much longer. It is good practice after we have sharpened your knife, rinse it with water (stay away from that edge - use a brush) and dry it with a soft towel, this to remove any excess metal shavings that we may have missed.
Enjoy the new sharpness of your blades and experience the results in easier preparation.


The best way to help your scissors keep their edge is to clean them after use, never leave them wet..
Cutting aluminium foil will not sharpen them, adjusting the screw ever more tightly may well hasten their eventual demise.
Never sharpen them from the inner faces, that will turn them into so much scrap metal.
If your scissors are quality take them to a professional sharpener, if you are skilful with a abrasive stone you may get a slight improvement, but it has damage risks.
If you use scissors in your work it’s best to go to a pro to get them sharpened 

Hedge Shears

Clean after use - each and every time, spray with GT85 / WD 40 or similar before storage, when the edge gone off take the machine to a pro sharpener such as ourselves,  who for a few pounds you will give you a real ground edge at the right cutting angle.  Always lubrcate your blades frequently when in use. The best lubrication for tha machine is chain oil as used in a chainsaw, this is very “sticky" so will not get fling off the blades and importantly it is bio degradable, much better than any other form of lubrication for these machines.

How to Damage A Knife In A Few Easy Strokes

The pull-through sharpener comes in many forms, and it does make a sharper edge than a completely blunt knife. But it’s not the best solution in the long run. The sharp edge is created by two crossed tungsten cutters that quickly wear away at the steel’s structure, often leaving a rough, serrated edge. This edge gets rougher and rougher with each use, and eventually, it breaks and shows signs of damage. It will cut, but it won’t last long before it needs to be sharpened again, and more damage is done.

When we’re asked to sharpen damaged knives, we do it in two stages. First, we remove all the metal to the depth of the deepest notch, which can take some time. Then, we shape the edge of 15 degrees on each side, for a total of 30 degrees. This is done using a special machine with an abrasive called CBN, which is a new material almost as hard as diamond but doesn’t put as much heat into the material, so it can be worked dry.

This new edge of 30 degrees is very sharp and durable, making it last a long time and cut well. Finally, we grind it under cold water on a stone to the correct angle and then hone it to make it smoother.

Here’s a before-and-after picture of the edge of an expensive set of Global knives that we recently sharpened in our workshop. The repairs and sharpening cost a fraction of the price of a small Global paring knife. These “knives for life” are now sharper than they were when they came out of the factory and will only need to be sharpened again if they’re damaged.

Close Up View - Not very Nice

Pull through sharpeners will destroy the edge of the knife, tearing at the steel it remove chunks large and small.. This is correctable by reforming the edge to the correct angles (usually 15° per side) and taking out the craggyness and any nicks that have been created. This picture is via our digital microscope of a client’s knife sharpened by this method                                     

Close Up View - Very Nice

This is a ground and honed edge; typical of the ones we produce. If the knife is damaged as seen in the other photograph we have a dedicated machine to bring this back to a normal edge. When we have repaired the edge and taken the coarseness and nicks out of it we grind ir further to an accurate angle and hone it smooth on other machines

Ragged Cutting Edge
Honed Cutting Edge
We Say Bin It
Pull thro' sharpener
Hammer It Before It Hammers Your Knife 
Hammer on Sharpener
Our Workshop
Our Lccation


Back Lane
Bomere Heath


07517 434947


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