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07517 434947‬

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Sharp Operators

To Be Blunt We Are All About A New  Edge

Sharpening by Certified Sharpeners

Our Aim:  The Highest Efffective Outcomes With All Our Work.
Our Methoid: Achieved by using the latest advanced sharpening machinery.
Our Skills: We are certified in the use this machinery through factory training.

The Art Of Sharp

Sharpness is a desired quailty in so many items found in life, from chainsaws to scalpel blades, from wood chisels to pruners. The performance of freshly sharpened tools make them work like, if not better than new.
So don’t ditch it sharpen up and let us work our simple honest magic.
Since stoneage times sharp edges have been important to mankind, found on primative tools, arrows and axes, these were fashioned out of flint. Fast forward through bronze age to present times edges are now found on specialsed sophisticcated heat treated hardend steels. Our machinery and other equipment is designed to work with these materials using various abrasives from Aluminioum oxide, Cubiic Nitride Boron (CBN), carbourundem, Trizac® and diamonds

Certified Sharpeners
A sharpening business based near Shrewsbury.

Significantly invested in expensive machinery the business can offer the broadest of sharpening services for domestic and professional users of Knives, woodworking tools, clipper blades, scissors, gardening tools powered and hand operated.
Servicing the West Midlands directly from our Shropshire workshop based near Shrewsbury and all the UK by mail we are only too aware our trade is dependent on referrals, repeat and returning business so to make that happen we go that extra distance on service, quality and testing.

Situated a few minutes north of Shrewsbury in Bomere Heath we offer a "drop in” or "drop off" sharpening service for locals, plus we can collect and return service within close proximity to our workshops and as mentioned we undertake mail order & courier returns on a 48 hour turnaround

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Our Workshop
Our Lccation


Back Lane
Bomere Heath


07517 434947


(click on link for map)

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