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Sharpening Testimonials

The Opinions Of Our Clients

What people say is important, we love feedback, even if it’s not always 100% positive tell us what you think. You can find more comments on Yell and Google, freely submitted by our clients Directly.

BY Text
The knives are brilliant thanks. I even sliced through clingfilm like butter. Knife normally snags on it. No visits to A&E yet fortunately as am keeping fingers well out of the way . 

by e-mail
My scissors are actually sharper than they were when new 

 by text: My trimmers now cut like a dream

My pinking shears are cutting for the first time in a long time, my scissors marked Singer cut fabric with ease. I expect you’ll be sharpening my horse trimmer blades soon as the season approaches

My chisels are as good as ever now, my garden shears work effortlessly and the secatuers are really really sharp.
The plane blade too some resusitation but it’s as sharp as Stanley made it in the first place.

I can see why you said be very careful with the knives - like wow! The three pairs of hedge trimmers and the long handled loppers are sharp as I can ever recall

I had a wartime era meat cleaver with no edge, well now it’s scary sharp.

Scissor Sharpening Machine

Nice job on my hairdressing scissors, now I don’t have to send them back to Germany to have them sharpened.

Sharpened my Stihl hedge trimmer and serviced it too, (not the motor though) Now it cuts through the wire in my hedge even more effectively! I’ll be back with more damage no doubt.

Hairdresser's scissros

From High End Hairdresser’s to humble Domestic Types, Industrial, Groomers, Tailoring we can do them all

High Quality Chef's knifeKnife Sharpening

Chef’s knives, Cook’s knives, Japanese, Damascus Long or short, sharpend and if need be repaired 

A5 Clipper BladeClipper Sharpening

A2 (Horse) & A5 (Pet) clipper Blades Sharpened

Hedging ShearsGarden Tools

Hedge shears, Hedge cutters, Secatuers, Mower blades, Splitters, Hatchets, Lawn  Edgers and all manner of edge tools used in the garden

Wood Chisel EdgeWood Working Tools

Razor’s edged chisels and plane blades from old and damaged items are everyday sharpeninh work for us. 

Gouges, Parting tool & ScrapersWood Turning Tools

Using our Robert Sorby Machine we can duplicate factory edges or your choice

Our Workshop
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Back Lane
Bomere Heath


07517 434947


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