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Sharpening Woodworking tools

Make your tasks easier your outcomes better


Most woodworkers, joiners and carpenters have more than one or two types of chisels: firmer, bench, paring, mortise dovetail and so forth.
Bench chisels, the most common, have blades about 4–6" long, and can be struck with a mallet. They come with blades of either O1 steel, a soft grade that’s easier to sharpen, or A2, a harder alloy that holds an edge longer. Our base default is to sharpen bench chisels with a 25° bevel angle for best results on most woods. If you want us to to add a micro-bevel (a thin, secondary edge right at the tip that makes touch-up honing easier), then we will go with 30° for O1 steels and 35° for A2 if we can discern it’s A2 (usually is on expensive chisels).

Paring chisels should be used only for hand-guided work, never struck with a mallet. These chisels have 6–10"-long blades and excel at trimming and shaping wood rather than chopping. To make these types of cuts easier, we sharpen a 20° bevel on these chisels, adding a 25° micro-bevel should you want one, simply ask for your preference and we can meet your expectations.

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Plane Irons 

We also use ourTormek T8 with a dedicated jig, used for absolute precision and edge straightness Some users want the edge slightly radiused adn we can accomodate that within the jig setting. Typical grind is 25° different angles are available, you can use edge up or down options too, just make your preferences known otherwise we will replicate the edge as presented for sharpening

Planer Blades Jointer Blades

Our dedicated surface grinder is specifically designed to sharpen planer blades and similar items Some can be sharpened on ourTormek T8 they come off balanced as the dedicated jig, used for absolute precision and edge straightness sharpens the set identically. And of course it’s a wet grind so your blades keep that hardness & temper right to the very edge. We usually do these matching the as received angle.

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Morso Blades

We can sharpen smaller picture framing blades on our surface grinder, minimal materail is taken to produce the keen edge required

Precision Matters

Using the Tormek T8, the surface grinder or our Sorby Pro Sharp (seen here) we can put almost any angle of grind on the edge of almost any chisel, plane iron or planer blade, large or small.
Typically the edge is sharpened and honed to 30° and the supporting grind is 25°

Sharpening sparks

Refurbishing chisels
From near useless to better than factory sharp 

Our Workshop
Our Lccation


Back Lane
Bomere Heath


07517 434947


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